- Lincoln-Park-12th-green-lg
Lincoln Park 12th green, 22x60, 2025, Oil on Canvas
- Sausalito-Boats-lg
Sausalito Boats, 18x48, 2024, Oil on Canvas
- Fog-over-Coast-Range-lg
Fog over Coast Range, 22x60, 2024, Oil on Canvas
- Valley-Ford-farm-lg
Valley Ford farm, 22x60, 2024, Oil on Canvas
- Muir-Woods-lg
Muir Woods, 40x30, 2024, Oil on Canvas
- Bolinas-Red-Boat-lg
Bolinas Red Boat, 40x30, 2023, Oil on Canvas
- Bolinas-and-Stinson-from-Highway-1-lg
Bolinas & Stinson from Highway 1, 22x60, 2023, Oil on Canvas
- Fog-from-Edgewood-park-lg
Fog from Edgewood Park, 24x48, 2023, Oil on Canvas
- Fog-at-Crystal-Springs-and-92-lg
Fog at Crystal Springs and 92, 22x60, 2023, Oil on Canvas
- Spring-Clouds-Eucalyptus-lg
Spring Clouds and Eucalyptus, 40x30, 2023, Oil on Canvas
- Patterns-and-Textures-lg
Patterns and Texture, 24x48, 2023, Oil on Canvas
- church-nacasio-lg
Church at Nacasio, 30x40, 2022, Oil on Canvas
- Still-waters-lg
Still waters, 40x30, 2022, Oil on Canvas
- Stanford-Ridge-Line-w-Fog-lg
Stanford Ridge Line w. Fog, 22x60, 2021, Oil on Canvas
- Pigeon-Point-Lighthouse-lg
Pigeon Point Lighthouse, 22x60, 2021, Oil on Canvas
- sidehill-shadows-lg
Sidehill shadows, 16x20, 2021, Oil on Canvas
- Pepperwood-Glen-No-2-lg
Pepperwood Glen No.2, 24x18, Oil on Canvas
- Mt-Tam-above-the-fog-lg
Mt. Tam above the fog, 22x60, 2021, Oil on Canvas
- Reflected-Light-Capitola-Pt-lg
Reflected Light, Capitola Pt., 40x30, 2021, Oil on Canvas
- Palm-Desert-the-Wash-lg
Palm Desert the Wash, 40x60, Oil on Canvas
- Palm-Desert-Windy-Day-lg
Palm Desert Windy Day, 40x60, Oil on Canvas
- In-the-Date-Palms-lg
In the Date Palms, 48x30, Oil on Canvas
- marin-reservoir-lg
Marin Reservoir, 24x48, Oil on Canvas
- multiple-cows-shadow-lg
Multiple Cows in Shadow, 16x20, 2020, Oil on Canvas
- pepperwood-hilltop-lg
Pepperwood Hilltop 18x48, 2020, Oil on Canvas
- road-thru-trees-lg
Road thru Trees, 16x20, 2019, Oil on Canvas
- roblar-rock
West Marin Winter Green, 24x48
- pepperwood-ridge-line-lg
Pepperwood Ridge Line, 24x48, 2019, Oil on Canvas
- two-water-tanks-pw-5-lg
Two Water Tanks PW 5, 18x48, 2019, Oil on Canvas
- cove-near-ritz-lg
Cove Near the Ritz, 30x22, 2018, Oil on Canvas
- new-brighton-cliffs-lg
New Brighton Cliffs, 20x16, 2018, Oil on Canvas
- Rush-Creek-lg
Rush Creek, 22x60, 2018, Oil on Canvas
- white-farmhouses-near-ritz-lg
White Farm Houses Near the Ritz, 18x48, 2018, Oil on Canvas
- palm-springs-silhouettes-lg
Palm Springs Silhouettes, 22x60, 2018, Oil on Canvas
- spring-mustard-flowers-lg
Spring Mustard Flowers, 22x60, 2018, Oil on Canvas
- sunset-over-capitola-pt-lg
Sunset over Capitola Point, 22x60, 2017, Oil on Canvas
- Devil's-slide-lg
Devil’s Slide, 40x30, 2017, Oil on Canvas
- Fall-at-Filoli-lg
Fall at Filoli, 22x60, 2017, Oil on Canvas
- ft-funston-looking-south-lg
Ft. Funston Cypress, 30x40, 2017, Oil on Canvas
- spanish-moss
Spanish Moss, 36x60, 2016, Oil on Canvas
- crystal-springs-clouds-lg
Crystal Springs Clouds, 36x60, 2017, Oil on Canvas
- Tomales-Bay-sailboats-lg
Tomales Bay with Sailboats, 22x60, 2017, Oil on Canvas
- west-marin-cow-lg
West Marin Cow, 18x48, 2015, Oil on Canvas
- Crystal-Springs-reflections
Crystal Springs Reflections, 40x30, 2015, Oil on Canvas
- small-knoll-petaluma-lg
Small knoll, Petaluma, 18x48, 2015, Oil on Canvas
- Angel-Island-Visitor-Center-lg
Angel Island Visitor Center, 40x30, 2015, Oil on Canvas
- Marin-Marsh-2-lg
Marin Marsh #2, 24x48, 2015, Oil on Canvas
- small-Crystal-Springs-lg
Small Crystal Springs, 20x16, 2015, Oil on Canvas
- Santa-Barbara-Palms
Santa Barbara Palms, 22x60, 2013, Oil on Canvas
- coyote-hills
Coyote Hills Marsh, 22x60, 2012, Oil on Canvas
- Tahoe-waters
Tahoe Waters, 40x30, 2013, Oil on Canvas
- StanfordHillsWoSky
Stanford Hills without Sky, 36x60, 2008, Oil on Canvas
- page-mlll-lg
Page Mill, 36x60, Oil on Canvas
- St-Vincent-Eucalyptus-lg
St. Vincent Eucalyptus, 36x60, 2003, Oil on Canvas